Ashwood Marina

To give clients the ultimate confidence with regards to boat knowledge and the security of their money, Perrydale Narrowboats have appointed Ashwood Marina to represent them. 

 Boat broker, Sammy Rose is a boater and has lived on a boat so is able to work with clients to develop their specification.  As part of this she offers practical advice on how ideas will work within the confines of a narrow boat and also when the clients eventually come to sell, how well will their ideas appeal to the general market. 

 Ashwood Marina is a member of British Marine Boat Brokers and Retailers and subsequently use contracts supplied by them as well as a formal Client Trust Account for all payments.  This means that whilst clients pay in instalments of 20% of the project value, payments to Perrydale are made weekly in line with materials purchased and work undertaken, leaving the balance safely in the Client Trust Account still in the client’s name.