With a background in joinery working in the retail and pub trade, Dave Perry fitted out his first narrowboat in 2010 with the intention of living on it. Before he had finished he was approached by someone wanting to buy it. 2 further boats were subsequently fitted out with the same result, leading Dave to decide that it was time to make a living out of this boat fitting.
Perrydale Narrowboat’s seek to give clients the ultimate choice in who builds their boat and how. As such client’s can choose their own shell builder and engine equipment but for those that don’t have a preference then Dave Perry favours fitting Vetus equipment as it provides a one stop solution for engine, electrics and other equipment ensuring that if there is a warranty claim this is promptly sorted as suppliers cannot begin arguing that the fault is with other equipment.
Clients are also enquiring about greener solutions and Perrydale Narrowboats have worked with leading suppliers to offer suitable solutions based on either a hybrid package or total electric.
For the shell, then client’s can choose their own provider. Alternatively we recommend Jonathan Wilson as he seeks to use the best grade of steel and his manufacture is regarded to be one of the industry’s best.
Within the business Dave is supported by his wife Nikki who assists with sanding, painting and general works. Specialist support is brought in via an electrical installer and wood turner to ensure the utmost professional finish.
Based at Ashwood Marina, on the Staffs and Worcester canal mid way between Kidderminster and Wolverhampton, Perrydale’s sales representative is boat broker, Sammy Rose. As well as heading Perrydale’s sales and marketing, Sammy undertakes initial client meetings and subsequently works with them to put together their proposed specification. Born and bred on the canal system, Sammy is able to give first hand feedback on what will and will not work for their cruising/liveaboard needs. As a broker for used boats she can also advise on what will and will not work when owners finally come to sell their boat on.
The Recreational Craft Regulations for all Perrydale Narrowboats is compiled by an independent surveyor to give customer’s peace of mind that when the first Boat Safety Inspection comes up there will be no issues between a builder’s interpretation of the rules and an examiner’s.